Is Dating A Non-Christian A Bad Idea? What The Bible Says

Our mentors are not counsellors.They are ordinary Christians willing to step out in faith and join people on their spiritual journey in a compassionate and respectful manner. I don’t know how much longer I will be single, but after trying to take things into my own hands, I now truly believe that whatever he’s got in store is worth fighting for. And then when I turned 23, I was really ready.

Is It Sinful to Date a Non-Christian?

We liked a lot of the same things, had good conversations, and he made me laugh. But it didn’t take long to find out that a relationship with God wasn’t even on his radar. All my ideas and hopes of leading him to Jesus weren’t realistic.

When christian women start getting impatient, or become too picky, and can’t find someone, then you start thinking of pairing with an unbeliever. But that’s not what God commands us to do. We Christians try to accommodate a non believer as a spouse thinking they will be saved through us and through our conduct. But it’s not our job to force someone to change but we can only influence them. People change if they realize that there is a need to change. I pray that may believers not be weary on waiting for God to present them with another believing spouse.

You may have talked to this person a few times or you’ve even been dating for a few weeks. The problem, though, is that the issues of dating a non-Christian generally start later in the relationship. Unfortunately, our bottom line up front is that dating someone who isn’t a Christian when you are is a bad idea. And we say the same thing for people looking to date someone religious when they’re not for all religions.

If your faith is important to you, there are going to be too many things that you two differ on to work in the long run. You can actually make all the potential issues that come with dating a non-Christian go away. If you are in that boat and you’re at least considering it, here’ are ‘s a link to some Christian dating apps that can help. Especially when you watch every one of your friends get married or start a family. Or when you’re invited out with the couples so you can watch the kids. So, I made the decision to spend time with this guy and got to know him.

But there are subtle reminders for Christians to avoid relationships with non-Christians. I agree there are great people out there, SALT dating but when it comes to married, God’s way is always best. If God took the time to be specific on a topic, I will not go contrary.

What I Learned From Dating a Non-Christian Guy

Ask God to use you to bring them to Christ. If God uses you to bring them to Him, THEN and only then can you give consideration to entering into a deeper relationship. May God guide you and grant you wisdom in your journey. Jason Lee is a data analyst with a passion for studying online dating, relationships, personal growth, healthcare, and finance. In 2008, Jason earned a Bachelors of Science from the University of Florida, where he studied business and finance and taught interpersonal communication. His work has been featured in the likes of The USA Today, MSN, NBC, FOX, The Motley Fool, Net Health, and The Simple Dollar.

When we meet the right person, we become willing to commit. Dating a non-Christian will prevent you from accomplishing this goal. A Christian relationship that takes precedence over God is also a form of idolatry. You are engaging in sin if your desire for human company outweighs your passion for God. As for who you’re taking out, it is unquestionable.

He didn’t want to talk about church or Jesus, and conversations always turned uncomfortable every time I mentioned either. No amount of flirting made Jesus more desirable to him. Sure, he could have provided me with every luxury in this world — except the one thing that held the most value to me. Non-Christians have a different understanding of what constitutes a successful romantic relationship.

There are many reasons why it is not a good idea to go on dates with people who do not share your faith. When we start dating someone or enter a relationship with another person, we do so with marriage as the end goal. Dating is all about finding out if the person we are with is the right one for us to settle down with and build a family with.

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If you enter into a relationship with a non-Christian man or woman, you can’t guarantee that they’re ever going to convert. What happens if years down the road they still don’t believe? It’s going to leave you in a really tough predicament, especially after investing a lot of time and emotions into the relationship. However, what’s more likely is that they’re going to get frustrated that you’re giving your time to God and the Church and not to them.

If you do, then dating a non-Christian is something you should not be doing. We want you to know that you don’t have to journey alone. If you need prayer or a listening ear about the struggles in your dating life, we have confidential and free mentors ready to help! Just connect below and you’ll hear back from a mentor soon.

We are called to be witnesses to all men/women . This instruction from Jesus means that we are charged with telling the Story of Jesus to all – and being a witness to them. Some are tempted to take this to mean that we are to date a non Christian and use themselves as examples to bring them to Christ.

It started as impatience, but it soon developed into a rampaging beast of unbelief, doubt, and worst of all, hopelessness. It felt like everyone I knew was married, including the kids I used to babysit. There seemed to be 10 girls for every single available guy in church. Then there was the pressure of every person I knew asking about my relationship status every time I saw them. Or mentioning their far-off distant relative who they thought might still be single , and who they could maybe one day set me up with . It became hard to find peace between the God that I loved and this aching, unmet desire to find a companion.